Connecting Passions

So far, more than 300 employees from different departments and locations of AVL are participating in the project, forming not only a community but creating a catalog with countless photos by and for AVL employees. Photographer Toni Muhr takes individual pictures of the employees, each capturing their personalities, telling their stories and revealing their passions. The storyline is developed together with the participants. The result is a unique creative experience that travels the world and exhibits some of the pictures as part of the “Travelling Exhibition” initiative.
For more videos on this project visit our Vimeo channel Connecting Passions
About the photographer Toni Muhr
Born 1965 in Graz, Austria. Studies of architecture. Participation in international architecture projects. Photographic studio since 1993. Artist portraits all over the world. More than 10 years opera and theatre photography. After this, focus on corporate photography. Documentation “Yanomami Indians—a visual symphony” for 3-Sat with Thomas Höflinger. Imax—project development with Everest climber Robert Schauer. Making-of productions and photography of features film and documentations. DOP with various art film projects. He is living in Graz and working all over the world.