
Both a film festival and a forum for discussion, Diagonale presents the best new work from the Austrian film scene for critical review in its home market. The AVL Cultural Foundation has been a long-standing partner for the opening of the festival at the Helmut List Halle.

As the popularity and media attention of Diagonale has grown since its launch in 1998, filmmakers who submit their work now find themselves increasingly in the public eye, and the subject of public discourse.

The AVL Cultural Foundation has been a long-standing partner for the opening of the festival at the Helmut List Halle. The Grazer cultural event has hosted more than 1,300 films since its launch and attracts more than 25,000 visitors each year. Diagonale prefers to embrace a diverse range of filmmaking rather than being confined to a particular genre, and young filmmakers in particular are eager to get involved and have their films seen by the public.