Sense of Architecture

As a partner to the ‘Little Academy, Innocent to Subversion’ project, the Cultural Foundation took part in a variety of events through its representative and CEO Kathryn List. This included a roundtable discussion on ‘Spatial Acoustics: Subjective Perception vs. Technology’.
Other discussions at the Biennale examined the relationship between arts and science, music, architecture and acoustics. Composers Marcos Stroppa and Beat Furrer joined Luca Francesconi – director of the Music Biennale from 2008 to 2011– revered acoustic specialist Yasuhisa Toyota and architects Kilian Kada, Markus Pernthaler and Pietro Valle. They met to debate the boundaries and interlinking influences of these artforms.
Over ten days, members of the public were able to participate in events around the ‘Little Academy, Innocent to Subversion’ project. These included discussions, laboratories and experiments that sought to analyse acoustic spaces and bodies of sound. Architects, musicians, composers, scenographers, media artists and theorists all took part in events where they were able to share and understand the difference of each other’s various approaches and perspectives.